CST #1 – Life and Dignity of the Human Person
We are called to treat everyone with dignity and respect. Unjust prices and unfair working policies must be changed. Human life is sacred and should not be used as revenge for murder. The human life is highly valued by the Church. However, the death penalty is threatening that value.
CST #2 – Call to Family, Community, and Participation
The survival of communities relies and families. The church says people have a right and duty to participate in society. When the death penalty is involved it removes these sacred rights. Every person is responsible to be involved in a community and the general society. Some have the responsibility to help the poor and the vulnerable.
CST #3 – Rights and Responsibilities
All humans have the God given right to food, shelter, clothing, and education. In addition, everyone has the responsibility to care for one another. The Church believes that every person has the right to live. There are also responsibilities that people must live up to such as taking care of their families.
CST #4 – Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
The needs of the poor and vulnerable must be cared for first. There has to be an option that is fair for the under privileged. The Church feels that people should help the poor and vulnerable. When an injustice like the death penalty arises, the community must act to fight against it and give people back the rights they deserve. We are all born with these god-given rights, and on death row these rights are stripped.
CST #5 – The Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers
We need to unite and spread the word about unfair pay and harsh working conditions. Workers should be protected by fair wages, hours, and working conditions. The Church feels that the basic rights of workers must be respected.
CST #6 – Solidarity
We are all brothers and sisters under God. As a society we have to learn that we must love our neighbors. Everyone is the same and no one human family despite age, gender, race or economic background.
CST #7 – Care for God’s Creation
Caring for the Earth is a requirement of our faith. We must protect the people and the planet. Everyone has the responsibility to care for one another and the planet. We must protect the world that God gave us. In today’s society, death row inmates face social injustices involving their trials and execution. Life is being threatened by the use of capital punishment.
Sources: USF – Themes of Catholic Social Teaching